To splint the upper arm, double-fold one end, and shape as a cup to support the elbow. Use gauze, kling or wrap to keep the splint securely in place. Finish with a sling or ace wrap to provide additional support.
Stabilize the ankle with a single 36" SAM® Splint, folded under the foot, and applied to each side of the leg. Use two splints, one on each side of the leg, and curve under the foot to immobilize the knee or leg.

Use the SAM® Splint as a cervical collar if one is not available. Begin by making a bend at one end; flare the upper end to support the chin.

Beginning at the chin, wrap the free end loosely around the neck, bringing it obliquely down to the chest.

Squeeze in the sides to create lateral wings for stability and to take up the slack.

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